Membership Requirements The WBCC is a nonprofit corporation under Minnesota Statute 317A. It is the City of Minneapolis recognized neighborhood group for the West Bank | Cedar-Riverside area. The WBCC gives first-level input to the city government on housing, licenses, zoning variances, permits, development and other neighborhood issues.If you live, own property, or own a business in the Cedar-Riverside neighborhood, you are a member of the WBCC. |
The WBCC shall have a board of 15 directors. The fifteen directors’ seats or positions are specified as 8 resident tenant director seats, 4 resident homeowner director seats, and 3 resident or non-resident business owner or commercial property owner seats. MORE »
The board of directors may form committees… and delegate to such committees the powers and responsibilities it may deem appropriate. MORE »
The WBCC By-Laws are the internal rules of the West Bank Community Coalition and provides for the boundaries, membership, governance, etc. MORE »